Who We Are

kansas city nonprofit

Since our founding in 1979 by John and Mary Pritchard, Habitat for Humanity of Kansas City has pursued our vision of a community where everyone has a safe, decent and affordable place to call home.

What began with three homes in the Boston Heights/Mount Hope neighborhood has grown into the largest Kansas City nonprofit home builder in the region — serving Wyandotte, Leavenworth, and Johnson counties in Kansas, and Clay, Platte, and Jackson counties in Missouri (view a map of our service area).

Each year, we partner with more than 1,000 families to help them achieve their dream of affordable housing.

First Habitat Home in Kansas City

Escuche nuestra historia

1:31 min

Nuestra misión

Buscando poner el amor de Dios en acción, Hábitat para la Humanidad une a las personas para construir hogares, comunidades y esperanza.

Nuestra visión

Un mundo en el que todos tengan un lugar decente donde vivir.

Política de no proselitismo

Hábitat para la Humanidad Internacional y sus organizaciones afiliadas (incluyendo Hábitat para la Humanidad de Kansas City) no harán proselitismo. Hábitat para la Humanidad tampoco trabajará con entidades o individuos que insistan en hacer proselitismo como parte de su trabajo con Hábitat para la Humanidad. Esto significa que Hábitat para la Humanidad no ofrecerá asistencia con la condición expresa o implícita de que las personas deban adherirse o convertirse a una fe en particular o escuchar y responder a mensajes diseñados para inducir la conversión a una fe en particular.

Tithe Information

Habitat for Humanity of Kansas City gives a portion of all our donations to Habitat International’s Tithe Program, which encourages Habitat partners to donate a small portion of what they raise in support of building homes in developing countries. Through this global tithe program, we have impacted more than 700 families in Haiti, Uganda, and Nepal, in addition to the homes we have built locally.

Meet Our Team

Learn more about the passionate people who make our work possible.


Beyond Building

Want to make an even greater impact on our community? Learn about our affinity builds, exciting events that support a social cause while you build!

Construir el orgullo

Los veteranos construyen

Las mujeres construyen

Contact US

Have a question about our nonprofit work in Kansas City? Let us know how we can help.